虽然搭飞机令人雀跃,可是想到不知道怎么用英文开口、只能鸭子听雷般的比手画脚就好囧!今天小鲁妹就要教大家从机场报到 Check-in、过安检、机场广播、飞机服务到下机领行李的一条龙情境英语会话,希望大家在有需要时,只要拿出这篇就可以横行无阻啦!

机场柜台报到流程 (Check-in)
- 若飞机延误/取消、索取飞机延误/取消的证明
- 若飞机超卖 (Overbook/Oversell)、索取赔偿
过安检 (Going through Security)
- 过金属探测门时警报器响起
- 随身行李里面有可疑物品
登机门广播 (Gate Announcements)
- 登机广播
- 有顺序的登机
- 针对还没登机的旅客所进行的最后广播
- 登机门有异动
机上服务 (On The Plane)
- 机上常用物品英文对照
- 餐饮服务
- 影视娱乐服务
- 买免税商品
- 索取入境数据卡、海关申报单
提领行李 (baggage claim)
- 找行李转盘、找行李推车
- 如果找不到行李
情境一:机场柜台报到 (Check-in)
Which terminal is (航空公司名) in? (XX在哪一栋航厦)
Where is the (航空公司名) check-in desk? (XX报到柜台在哪里)
找到报到柜台之后排队等候。轮到你的时候,直接拿护照 (passport) 出来给地勤人员,若有印出来的电子机票 (e-ticket) 也可以一起给,但不一定需要。地勤人员的问题通常包含:
Agent: Where are you flying/traveling to today? / What's your final destination?
You: (目的地地名)
👉 若有转机情形,可以回答 I'm flying to (最终目的地) and I have a layover/stopover in (转机地). (layover 通指转机情形;而如果是国际线的话,转机等待时间超过24小时则称为 stopover)
Agent: Are you checking any bags? How many bags are you checking in? (有托执行李吗/要托运几件)
You: Just one. / Two. (或者看你有几个就回答几个)
Agent: Is there any prohibited and restricted item in there? (行李里有任何违禁品吗?) --> 通常会给你看一张表,上面画了各种违禁品
You: No, there isn't. (没有)
Agent: Okay, please put them on the scale. (请拿上来秤重)
👉 Luggage 通常指托运的大行李;Carry-on 登机/随身行李
Agent: Do you have a seating preference? (你有座位偏好吗)
You: Aisle seat / Window seat, please. (靠走道/靠窗)
👉 若已事先划位的话就不用特别选,若想确认可以主动问: I would like to reconfirm my seat, please.
Agent: Here is(are) your boarding pass(es) -- your flight leaves from gate XX and it’ll begin boarding at XX:XX. Your seat number is 29A window seat. (这是你的登机牌 -- 你的登机门为XX,登机时间XX:XX,座位 29A 靠窗)
Agent: I'm sorry to inform you that your flight has been canceled/delayed. (很抱歉通知您,您的班机已被取消/延误)
You: When is the next flight available? (下一班还有空位的班机几点?)
Agent: The next flight available is leaving tonight at XX:XX (下一班还有空位的班机是今晚XX:XX)
You: I see. Please book the flight for me and I need the proof of trip delay/trip cancellation. (了解。请帮我订班机,我还需要飞机延误/取消的证明)
若飞机超卖 (Overbook/Oversell)
Agent: I'm sorry, your flight has been overbooked. (很抱歉,您的班机已超卖) Are you willing to give up your seat? (您愿意放弃您的座位吗?)
You: Uh...Okay, I think that's fine with me, as long as I can get a nice compensation. (呃,好吧,我是OK啦,只要我能拿到不错的赔偿)
Agent: We will offer you a $XXX voucher and a free stay at XXX hotel. (我们会给你 $XXX 的消费券和免费住宿 XXX 酒店一晚)
You: Yay! (耶)
You: No, I do not want to give up my seat! It's not my problem when you should be responsible for overselling the flight seats. (我不要放弃我的座位!你们超卖座位你们该负责,又不是我的问题)
Agent: Sure, no problem. I believe I can re-accommodate you to a seat in our new passenger class - the fight club. (好的没问题,我想我可以帮您安排座位到我们的全新舱等 - 斗阵舱哦)

完成之后,时间允许的话你可以在外面继续晃悠,或者就直接过安检然后逛逛免税店 (duty-free)。过安检之前会被 TSA 先查看护照 (Passport) 和登机牌 (Boarding Pass)。
情境二:过安检 (Going through Security)
脱大衣 take off the jacket/coat
清空口袋 empty pockets
脱掉鞋子和帽子 remove shoes and hats
👉 身上也不要有金属制品,像是硬币、发夹、皮带、手表等等 remove anything that will set off (触发警报) the metal detector(金属探测器), like coins(硬币), cell phone(手机), wallet(皮夹), belt(皮带), watch(手表)...etc
大件的随身行李、个人包可直接放在输送带上,较小件的个人物品必须放在 TSA 提供的篮子 (bin) 里。另外大型的电子用品,像是笔电、平板电脑、相机等若放在随身行李里面,必须特别拿出来并放到篮子里。
Agent: Lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and use the bins for your smaller items (把包包平放在输送带上,把小件物品拿到篮子里)
You: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag? (我需要把笔电从包包拿出来吗)
Agent: Yes, laptops, cameras, tablets.....(笔电、相机、平板电脑都要)
👉 通常安检人员都是对所有人吼着说这些,不会特别对你耐心回答,不要觉得受伤😂
Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone, loose change? (请后退。你口袋里有任何东西吗?钥匙、手机、零钱⋯⋯)
You: Let me see...(我看看) --> 找找看身上有没有什么金属物品,很常被遗忘的是皮带、手表和首饰类
Agent: Okay, come on through. (再走一次)
👉 没有通过的话,可能会被安检人员亲自接触检查 (physical inspection)。
Agent: Please lift your arms. (请把手举起来) You’re all set. (没事了,你可以走了)
Agent: What is in there? (这里面是什么)
You: Oh it is just water. I forgot to take it out. (只是水,我忘记拿出来了)
Agent: Liquids more than 100ml are not allowed. You need to throw it away. (超过100ml的液体不能带上飞机,你得把它扔掉)
👉 大家容易忘记的都是超过100ml的液体,尤其是饮用水。
情境三:登机门广播 (Gate Announcements)
PA: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the pre-boarding announcement for flight (班机号) to (目的地). (女士们、先生们,搭乘XX航空编号XX前往XX的旅客,即将准备登机)
PA: (班机号) to (目的地) is now boarding at Gate (登机号码). Please have your boarding pass and passport ready for boarding. (搭乘XX航空编号XX前往XX的旅客开始在X号登机门登机。请准备好您的登机牌与护照)
PA: We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to come forward and begin boarding first. (我们现在请有小孩的旅客和需要特殊协助的旅客登机)
PA: We would like to invite our first- and business-class passengers to board. (我们首先请头等舱与商务舱的旅客登机)
PA: We are now boarding seats (座位排). (我们现在邀请__排到__排的旅客登机)
PA: We would now like to invite all passengers to board. (我们现在请所有旅客登机)
👉 登机顺序通常依序是:有2岁以下小孩的旅客和需要特殊协助的旅客 -> 特别身份(如军人、航空公司高级会员)-> 仓等。
PA: This is the final boarding call for (航空公司名&班机号) to (目的地). Would all remaining passengers for this flight please report to gate (登机号码). (这是XX航空公司XX号班机最后一次登机广播,请所有尚未登机的旅客前往X号门登机)
PA: Attention -- This is the final boarding call for passenger (乘客名) booked on flight (班机号) to (目的地). Please proceed to gate (登机号码) immediately. (注意 -- 这是最后一次登机广播,搭乘XX航空公司编号XX班机前往XX的旅客XXX,请尽速前往X号登机门登机)
👉 Final boarding call 代表最后一次登机机会,飞机就要起飞不等你了。我一直以为广播名字不会发生在自己身上,直到有一次发现登机广播真的是在叫我前往登机口处柜台,因为出现了重复 check-in 的情况⋯⋯
PA: Attention -- there has been a gate change. Passengers taking (班机号) to (目的地) will now be boarding at Gate (登机号码). (各位旅客请注意,登机门有异动。搭乘XX航空公司XX号班机的旅客请改前往X号登机门登机)
情境四:机上服务 (On The Plane)
常说请 (Please) 和谢谢 (Thank you),请乘务员帮忙的时候可以先用不好意思 (Excuse me) 起头。
可不可以帮忙:Can you please help me _________?
find an empty overhead bin 找空的头顶置物箱
fit this bag 塞这个包包
lift this carry-on 抬行李
👉 勿把包包行李丢给乘务员搬!乘务员并没有义务帮乘客放行李(恐造成工伤),若行李太重的话,可以请乘务员帮忙一起抬,而不是指望对方独立完成;太重而自己可能因身体因素而无法搬抬的行李请托运。
要东西:Could you please get me (a) _________ / may I have (a) _________, please? / I would like (a) _______, please.
playing cards 扑克牌
blanket 毯子
pillow 枕头
headphones 耳机
bottled water 瓶装水
snacks 点心
magazines/newspapers 杂志/报纸
earplugs 耳塞
eye mask 眼罩
amenity kit 过夜包 (较贵仓等才有)
找地方/找东西:Excuse me, where is the ______ / where can I find the _______?
lavatory 洗手间(说 restroom/bathroom 也能通)
galley 机上厨房(虽然说 kitchen 也能懂,但不够内行😎)
emergency exit 逃生口
sickness bag 呕吐袋
headphone jack 耳机孔
USB port USB 孔
可不可以做某事:Can I ________? / May I ________?
use cell phone / laptop / tablet PC 用手机 / 笔电 / 平板
unbuckle the seat belt 解开安全带
open the overhead bin 开启头顶置物箱
go to the restroom now 现在去洗手间
put down the armrest 放下扶手
recline my seat 座椅后倾
(不会弄某个东西的情况) 我要怎么:Excuse me, how do I______?
turn on the reading light 开启 (头顶) 阅读灯
adjust the air vent 调整 (头顶) 出风口
Please wake me up for service. (请在有服务的时候叫我)
Please don't wake me up during this flight. (整趟旅途请不要叫我)
Please only wake me up for _______ (请只有在_______时叫醒我)
meal service 送餐服务
duty free 免税商品服务
👉 可以在柜台 Check-in 时或是一登机就跟乘务员说,他们会贴贴纸注记。
Attendant: May I offer you something to drink? (您需要喝点什么吗?)
You: Yes, coke with ice, please / water is fine, (要,可乐加冰 / 水就好)
Attendant: May I get you something else? (您还需要什么吗)
You: Yes, can I refill my coffee, please? (请再给我一点咖啡)
👉 其他常见的机上饮料:coffee (咖啡), tea (茶), apple juice (苹果汁), orange juice (柳橙汁), tomato juice (番茄汁), soft drinks (软性饮料如汽水), beers (啤酒), ginger ale (姜汁汽水), wine (红白酒)..etc.
👉 大部分美国短程航班会提供自费的点心与烈酒,但仅收信用卡或借记卡 (Debit Card)。在饮料服务进行时可以跟乘务员说想要的烈酒(装在可爱的迷你瓶里),大部分航班都会提供 Whiskey (威士忌), Gin (琴酒), Rum (兰姆酒), Vodka (伏特加), Tequila (龙舌兰) 等。
You: What time will the meal be served? (几点会送餐)
Attendant: We will serve the meals in 15 minutes. (我们15分钟后会开始送餐)
Attendant: Please take a look at the menu. What would you like to eat? (请看一下菜单。您想要吃什么)
You: I would like to have chicken (鸡肉) / beef (牛肉) with rice (饭) / noodles (面);I would like to have a vegetarian meal. (我想要素食餐)
👉 餐点名称通常都是肉类(或其他重点)+ 主食(饭或面)。素食餐或特别餐点最好都事先预订,乘务员会先做特别记号并提早送餐。
👉 小朋友的儿童餐 (Kid's meal) 通常会在购买机票时就预定好了,且会提早送餐。
Excuse me, I think my ________ is not working, can you help me with it? (我想我的这个______坏掉了,可以帮我吗)
Do you offer free wifi during the flight? (你们机上提供免费 Wifi 网络吗)
entertainment system 机上娱乐系统
touchscreen 触摸屏
remote control 遥控器
headphones 头戴式耳机
noise-cancelling headphones 降噪耳机
wifi 无线网络
Do you have a catalog of duty-free goods/items? (你们有免税商品的型录吗)
I want to buy some duty-free goods/items. (我想要买免税商品)
When do you start selling duty-free goods/items? (你们什么时候开始卖免税商品)
May I have a look at this item? (我可以看看这个商品吗)
I would like to pay by cash/credit card. (我想用现金 / 信用卡付款)
Can I have the __________, please? / I need one _______ for myself/family.
arrival card 入境数据卡(美国的入境数据卡为 I-94,但已经全面电子化)
custom declaration form 海关申报单
👉 即使在机上错过索取也没关系,入境之后都有自助柜台可以自己拿来填写。
👉 若为一家人一起旅行,全家人只要填写一张海关申报单即可。
情境五:提领行李 (baggage claim)
Where can I find the baggage claim / baggage carousel? (领行李处/行李转盘在哪里)
👉 通常都有指引会告诉你的航班对应的行李转盘是哪一个。
Where is the luggage cart? (行李推车在哪里)
👉 LAX 的行李推车要收费(不确定是不是美国机场都要收费),除非能捡到零星散落的。
Where do I pick up my oversized baggage? (我要在哪里提领特大行李)
👉 通常特大行李会在分开的提领处,而不是在一般的行李转盘上。
Where is the baggage claim counter for (航空公司名)? (XX航空公司的行李领取柜台在哪里?)
My bags/luggages are missing. (我的行李不见了)
I think somebody took my bags/luggages. (我认为有人拿了我的行李)
👉 如果找不到行李的话,有可能是行李延误,也有可能是被人拿走。不管哪种情形,都可以到航空公司的柜台回报,所以最好要留着当初搭机 check-in 时的行李托运存根。