IVF Coordinator - Mandarin
Lifovum Fertility Management/HRC Fertility

欢迎到访全世界最大的高级生育治疗提供商之一的 HRC Fertility。30 多年来,HRC Fertility (HRC) 引入并完善了新的不孕治疗方案和程序。我们傲人的生育成功率源自我们对前沿生殖技术的承诺。HRC IVF 治疗项目悠久且非常成功的历史让我们凝聚在一起,打造了一家全国顶尖生育诊所。我们致力于为我们的患者提供各种可用的不孕治疗选择。
我们的洛杉矶生育诊所实现了西部海岸的第一例 IVF(体外受精)ICSI(卵母细胞胞浆内单精子注射)妊娠。我们的实验室致力于实现卓越成就,并且我们站在生殖临床研究的前沿。HRC 一直是一家应用显微受精技术等创新性不孕治疗程序的顶尖生育诊所。我们也于 1989 年让一位半性遗传疾病患者成为了第一批 PGD 病例之一。
HRC Fertility 的先进胚胎学实验室建于 1988 年,当时我们聘请的两位胚胎学家,现在他们仍是 HRC 团队的一份子,另外还有五位工作人员。HRC 诊所在恩西诺、富勒顿、拉古纳山、纽波特比奇、库卡蒙格牧场、帕萨迪纳、西湖村和西洛杉矶均设有办事处。每个办事处的工作人员都包括接受过研究员培训的生殖内分泌学家和不孕不育专家。
我们的患者可以期待获得最好的治疗体验经验。我们训练有素的医生曾经成功地对世界上最困难的不孕病例进行了治疗最先进的治疗。IVF、IUI、卵子冷冻/生育能力保留、性别选择、代孕。 我们的高妊娠率源自于在充满关心和同情的环境中应用高级医疗技术负担能力。
Please email resume to [email protected]
Qualifications: Experienced Medical Assistant or LVN
Work Expectations: Excellent communication and organizational skills; ability to interface with ART team, Primary Physician, and Supervisor
Reports to: Primary Physician, Team Lead and Regional Manager
Primary Responsibilities (in coordination with assigned physician)
• Adhere to HRC Policies & Procedures.
• Provide excellent customer service.
• Maintain HRC customer service image.
• Coverage for physician
• Meet with potential patients and review the HRC process, options, and expectations.
• Coordinate IVF activities.
• Ensure that all tasks and responsibilities are carried out effectively and efficiently.
• Prepare and coordinate IVF cycle
• Prepare calendar/schedules for patients.
• Maintain patient/couple medical records, including consents and authorizations.
• Provide patient education and health teaching as appropriate.
• Schedule IUI’s
• Obtain appropriate authorizations for patient medications if necessary.
• Must be able to read/write/speak Mandarin Chinese
Team Player
• Accept responsibility and accountability for actions.
• Be proactive to eliminate crisis management.
• Maintain confidentiality in all aspects of daily work, recognizing that many confidential documents and conversations will need to be relayed.
• Demonstrate regard for the dignity and respect of all employees, medical staff, and visitors.
• Champion effective communication.
• Keep work area and surrounding areas in a clean and organized manner.
• Coordinate efforts to work effectively with others in a manner that is productive, recognizing that this creates continued development of the “team” concept.
• Interact with fellow employees in a way that promotes a harmonious and cooperative working environment.
• Attend all meetings as required.
• Participate in performance improvement activities.
• Maintain proper attendance and punctuality to ensure that the practice operates in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
最近编辑时间: 2018-05-18