进出口贸易经理 International Trade Manager

Pasadena, CA, USA
18.3k 次浏览

Fannet Technologies Inc

云计算最后更新于5 年多前

座落在南加州充满活力的帕萨迪纳中心办公区,Fannet 科技公司立足于在高科技的投资,研究及开发,努力打造成为世界领先的云计算,人工智能,物联网,区块链解决方案服务商。我们现在诚招一名进出口贸易经理能够和我们一起成长。

1: 大学本科毕业(不限专业)或以上
2: 具有在美国合法工作准证或绿卡公民身份
3: 熟练美国进出口业务的流程及规章制度
4: 熟悉美国物流市场及相应的人脉
5: 有一定的跨境业务和国际贸易客户资源
6: 懂得国际贸易洽谈及实操经验
7: 基本掌握办公软件
8: 较强的人际交流能力
9: 中英双语能力
10: 使用过国际贸易操作平台或系统的优先录取


Located in the heart CBD of Pasadena, California, Fannet Technologies Inc is to strive in investment/research/development in High Technology and would be leading solution provider in Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IOT) and Blockchain. We are currently seeking an International Trade Manager who is willing to grow with the success of the promising company.

1. Bachelor Degree (any major) or above
2. Worker Authorization Holder or Permanent Resident or Citizen
3. Fully understand the US import and export process, rules and regulations
4. Familiar with the US logistics market and corresponding network
5. Have certain cross-border business and international trading resources
6. Understand international trade negotiations and have practical experience
7. Proficient Microsoft Office skills
8. Strong interpersonal communication skills
9. Fluent in English and Mandarin
10. international trading platforms or systems user preferred

最近编辑时间: 2019-03-14
