Business Development Specialist 市场拓展专员

Candidates Must be able to speak Mandarin.
Sponsor H1B for Qualified Candidates.
About us:
HungryPanda is a Chinese food delivery platform established in the UK, which has covered the UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. It aims to build the most professional Chinese food delivery platform overseas for international students and overseas Chinese. The company has 30+ offices and branches around the world, with more than 300 employees. Recently, we have fully developed the US market, and our branch is headquartered in Manhattan, New York. We need ideas and creative members to join our team to promote the rapid development of HungryPanda.
Job Duties
• Execution of the company's business development plan
• Actively complete research, negotiation and cooperation with business partners (local businesses)
• Maintain existing relationships with cooperating merchants, coordinate and resolve issues with various stakeholders, continuously improve merchant satisfaction and merchant service quality, and ensure good business operations
Job Requirements
• Strong negotiation and communication skills
• Strong business development ability and customer relationship maintenance ability
• Self-motivated, responsible and strong executive
关于HungryPanda 熊猫外卖
HungryPanda 熊猫外卖 总部位于英国伦敦,旨在为身在海外的华人同胞提供方便快捷,易于使用的中餐中超外卖服务。经过数年发展,我们的服务已经覆盖英国、法国、意大利、新西兰、澳大利亚及美国等国家,横跨四大洲,遍及50多个主要城市,累计注册用户超百万人。加入我们,一起将中国美食推向全球!
你需要寻找最受欢迎的当地餐馆,了解他们的业务,并利用你的谈判技巧说服商家加入我们的平台,提供业务拓展支持。 对于合适优质的候选人,此职位在公司内部有很大的发展机会,并将在该领域内开展丰富成功的职业生涯。
* 根据公司的发展需要,确定公司的商务拓展计划,
* 根据计划完成实际的商务合作伙伴(当地商家)的找寻、洽谈、合作
* 维护现有合作商家的关系,并根据业务进展维持双方的有序沟通
* 与合作商家进行日常沟通交流,协调、处理相关事宜,保证良好运营
* 性格外向,具有亲和力、优秀的谈判能力和良好的沟通协调能力,
* 能够独自完成商务谈判,独立负责一个区域的拓展和推广工作;
* 认真负责,善于沟通,有较强的商务拓展能力和客户关系维护能力
* 对工作有激情,有上进心,有责任心,为人处事机智灵活;能吃苦,能承受工作压力
薪资:2000 - 3500/month
Job Type: Full-time
Pay: $2,000.00 - $3,500.00 per month
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $2,000.00 - $3,500.00 per month
最近编辑时间: 2020-10-02