给南加州带来期待已久阵雨的三场风暴中的第二场在一夜之间到来,该地区周四可能继续出现零星的降雨。风暴将为大部分地区带来大约四分之一英寸的降雨,山麓附近的降雨量更高。根据国家气象局的数据,降雪可能主要在海拔 5,000 英尺以上地区。根据气象局的数据,降雨将在周四晚些时候逐渐减少,但与风暴相关的寒冷温度将持续到周末。
And here is the expected precip. with the storm coming in tonight through Thursday. We will even see some snow on the peaks, mainly above 5000 feet. #SoCal #CAwx pic.twitter.com/DshTBlZzPI
— NWS Los Angeles (@NWSLosAngeles) December 8, 2021
这一系列风暴中的第三个,也是最强大的系统,预计将在下周初带来大雨和大雪。气象预报员预测沿海和山谷地区将出现 1 至 3 英寸降雨,山脉和山麓可能出现更多的降雨量。下周晚些时候,干燥天气将再度回到该地区。
Confidence continues to grow with a fairly significant storm system to affect much of California next week. Here's the latest forecast for total precipitation amounts in our area with most of it falling on Monday and Tuesday. #cawx #LArain pic.twitter.com/9JcPlliYK9
— NWS Los Angeles (@NWSLosAngeles) December 8, 2021