
9 个月前
7.8k 次浏览

无论在高空还是地面,出轨者都无法逃脱社交媒体无处不在的镜头。最近一位网友 Caroline Rened 就化身“正义使者”,将飞机上一名公然出轨的已婚男拍下来曝光了!Rened 在她的视频字幕中写道:“如果这名男子是你的丈夫,乘坐 UA2140 航班从休斯顿飞往纽约,那么他今晚可能会和一个叫 Katy 的女子在一起。”

Rened 表示,她看到该男子戴着婚戒,却在这段长达四小时的航班上毫不羞耻地和另一名刚认识的女子亲热。“他和 Katy 在机场酒吧认识,从那以后就没离开过彼此,”Rened 在视频中说道,“他劝她换座位,这样她就可以坐在他旁边,他们可以一起喝酒。我不知道他的名字,但知道她的,因为他一直在叫她的名字。”

@carolinerened If this man is your husband flying @United Airlines, flight 2140, from Houston to New York, he’s probably going to be staying with Katy tonight. Him and Katy met at the airport bar and haven’t left each others sode since then. He convinced her to change her seat so she could sit next to him and they could drink. I dont know his name but know hers becasue he keeps saying it. He’s also said his 8 year old daughter danced for the Astros opening tonight, he’s from Ft. Worth, says he’s a surfer and just got a new surf board, supposedly President of the company he works for and flying to NYC for business. I wouldn’t have known he was married if he hadn’t been wearing his wedding ring. Excuse me rubbing my eye, I didn’t know what else to do to self record. 😂Do your thing TikTok. #findthewife #cheatinghusbands #unitedairlines #flight2140 #katy #houston #IAHairport #ftworth #weddingring ♬ original sound - carolinerened

此外,Rened 还提供了一些她听到的关于这名男子个人和职业的细节,以帮助辨认。在后续视频中,Rened 表示,该男子和 Katy 一直在亲热,最后去了洗手间。

这段视频已经吸引了 2900 万 TikTok 观众的关注,不知道其中是否包括男主角的老婆。虽然有些网友责备 Rened 应该少管闲事,但仍有许多网友对 Rened 的曝光表示支持。有网友在评论区赞赏道,“证明了我们女性比 FBI 探员还厉害”、“谢谢你的服务”、“愿你的头发每天都美丽,你的美甲每次都完美无瑕,你一辈子都能免费喝冰咖啡,因为你在做上帝的工作。”

来源:  New York Post
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